Results and Publications

  1. G. Durieux, A. Irles, V. Miralles, A. Peñuelas, R. Pöschl, M. Perelló and M. Vos
    The electro-weak couplings of the top and bottom quarks - global fit and future prospects
    arXiv:1907.10619 [hep-ph]

  2. J. De Blas, G. Durieux, C. Grojean, J. Gu and A. Paul
    On the future of Higgs, electroweak and diboson measurements at lepton colliders
    arXiv:1907.04311 [hep-ph]

  3. D. Bečirević, M. Fedele, I. Nišandžić and A. Tayduganov
    Lepton Flavor Universality tests through angular observables of $\overline{B}\to D^{(\ast)}\ell\overline{\nu}$ decay modes
    arXiv:1907.02257 [hep-ph]

  4. J. de Blas et. al.
    Higgs Boson Studies at Future Particle Colliders
    arXiv:1905.03764 [hep-ph]

  5. P. Arnan, A. Crivellin, M. Fedele and F. Mescia
    Generic loop effects of new scalars and fermions in $b\to s\ell^+\ell^-$ and a vector-like $4^{\rm th}$ generation
    JHEP 1906 (2019) 118
    arXiv:1904.05890 [hep-ph]

  6. M. Ciuchini, A. M. Coutinho, M. Fedele, E. Franco, A. Paul, L. Silvestrini and M. Valli
    New Physics in $b \to s \ell^+ \ell^-$ confronts new data on Lepton Universality
    Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) no.8, 719
    arXiv:1903.09632 [hep-ph]

  7. F. Buccella, A. Paul and P. Santorelli
    $SU(3)_F$ breaking through final state interactions and $CP$ asymmetries in $D \to PP$ decays
    Phys. Rev. D 99>, no. 11, 113001 (2019)
    arXiv:1902.05564 [hep-ph]

  8. P. Azzi et al. [HL-LHC Collaboration and HE-LHC Working Group]
    Standard Model Physics at the HL-LHC and HE-LHC
    arXiv:1902.04070 [hep-ph]

  9. M. Cepeda et al. [HL/HE WG2 group]
    Higgs Physics at the HL-LHC and HE-LHC
    arXiv:1902.00134 [hep-ph]

  10. A. Abada et al. [FCC Collaboration]
    FCC Physics Opportunities : Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 1
    Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) no.6, 474
    inspire link

  11. O. Eberhardt
    Current status of Two-Higgs-Doublet models with a softly broken $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry
    PoS ICHEP 2018 (2019) 457
    arXiv:1809.04851 [hep-ph]

  12. M. Ciuchini, A. M. Coutinho, M. Fedele, E. Franco, A. Paul, L. Silvestrini and M. Valli
    Hadronic uncertainties in semileptonic $B\to K^*\mu^+\mu^-$ decays
    PoS BEAUTY 2018 (2018) 044
    arXiv:1809.03789 [hep-ph]

  13. E. Kou et al. [Belle-II Collaboration]
    The Belle II Physics Book
    arXiv:1808.10567 [hep-ph]

  14. L. Cheng, O. Eberhardt and C. W. Murphy
    Novel theoretical constraints for color-octet scalar models
    Chin. Phys. C 43 (2019) no.9, 093101
    arXiv:1808.05824 [hep-ph]

  15. C. W. Chiang, G. Cottin and O. Eberhardt
    Global fits in the Georgi-Machacek model
    Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019) no.1, 015001
    arXiv:1807.10660 [hep-ph]

  16. J. de Blas, O. Eberhardt and C. Krause
    Current and Future Constraints on Higgs Couplings in the Nonlinear Effective Theory
    JHEP 1807 (2018) 048
    arXiv:1803.00939 [hep-ph]

  17. D. Chowdhury and O. Eberhardt
    Update of Global Two-Higgs-Doublet Model Fits
    JHEP 1805 (2018) 161
    arXiv:1711.02095 [hep-ph]

  18. J. de Blas, M. Ciuchini, E. Franco, S. Mishima, M. Pierini, L. Reina and L. Silvestrini
    The Global Electroweak and Higgs Fits in the LHC era
    PoS EPS HEP2017 (2017) 467
    arXiv:1710.05402 [hep-ph]

  19. S. Gori, C. Grojean, A. Juste and A. Paul
    Heavy Higgs Searches: Flavour Matters
    JHEP 1801 (2018) 108
    arXiv:1710.03752 [hep-ph]

  20. O. Eberhardt
    Two-Higgs-doublet model fits with HEPfit
    arXiv:1709.09414 [hep-ph]

  21. M. Ciuchini, A. M. Coutinho, M. Fedele, E. Franco, A. Paul, L. Silvestrini and M. Valli
    On Flavourful Easter eggs for New Physics hunger and Lepton Flavour Universality violation
    Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) no.10, 688
    arXiv:1704.05447 [hep-ph]

  22. M. Ciuchini, J. de Blas, E. Franco, D. Ghosh, S. Mishima, M. Pierini, L. Reina and L. Silvestrini
    Updates on fits to electroweak parameters
    PoS LeptonPhoton 2015 (2016) 013
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  23. J. de Blas, M. Ciuchini, E. Franco, S. Mishima, M. Pierini, L. Reina and L. Silvestrini
    Electroweak precision constraints at present and future colliders
    PoS ICHEP 2016 (2017) 690
    arXiv:1611.05354 [hep-ph]

  24. M. Ciuchini, M. Fedele, E. Franco, S. Mishima, A. Paul, L. Silvestrini and M. Valli
    $B\to K^*\ell^+\ell^-$ in the Standard Model: Elaborations and Interpretations
    PoS ICHEP 2016 (2016) 584
    arXiv:1611.04338 [hep-ph]

  25. M. Ciuchini, M. Fedele, E. Franco, S. Mishima, A. Paul, L. Silvestrini and M. Valli
    The $B_d \to K^*\mu^+\mu^-$ decay: A study in the Standard Model
    Nuovo Cim. C 39 (2016) no.1, 234
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  26. V. Cacchio, D. Chowdhury, O. Eberhardt and C. W. Murphy
    Next-to-leading order unitarity fits in Two-Higgs-Doublet models with soft $\mathbb{Z}_2$ breaking
    JHEP 1611 (2016) 026
    arXiv:1609.01290 [hep-ph]

  27. A. Paul and D. M. Straub
    Constraints on new physics from radiative $B$ decays
    JHEP 1704 (2017) 027
    arXiv:1608.02556 [hep-ph]

  28. J. de Blas, M. Ciuchini, E. Franco, S. Mishima, M. Pierini, L. Reina and L. Silvestrini
    Electroweak precision observables and Higgs-boson signal strengths in the Standard Model and beyond: present and future
    JHEP 1612 (2016) 135
    arXiv:1608.01509 [hep-ph]

  29. L. Reina, J. de Blas, M. Ciuchini, E. Franco, D. Ghosh, S. Mishima, M. Pierini and L. Silvestrini
    Precision constraints on non-standard Higgs-boson couplings with HEPfit
    PoS EPS HEP2015 (2015) 187
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  30. M. Ciuchini, M. Fedele, E. Franco, S. Mishima, A. Paul, L. Silvestrini and M. Valli
    $B\to K^* \ell^+ \ell^-$ decays at large recoil in the Standard Model: a theoretical reappraisal
    JHEP 1606 (2016) 116
    arXiv:1512.07157 [hep-ph]

  31. D. Ghosh, M. Salvarezza and F. Senia
    Extending the Analysis of Electroweak Precision Constraints in Composite Higgs Models
    Nucl. Phys. B 914 (2017) 346
    arXiv:1511.08235 [hep-ph]

  32. M. Ciuchini, E. Franco, S. Mishima and L. Silvestrini
    Electroweak Precision Observables, New Physics and the Nature of a 126 GeV Higgs Boson
    JHEP 1308 (2013) 106
    arXiv:1306.4644 [hep-ph]